Krishna’s Teachings on Soul, Individuality, and Eternity!!
Shreemad Bhagwat Geeta - Chapter 2, Verse 12
नत्वेवाहं जातु नासं नत्वं नेमे जनाधिपाः |
नचैव नभविष्याम: सर्वेवयमत: परम् ||
na tvevahaṁ jatu nasam na tvam neme janadhipaḥ
na chaiva na bhaviṣhyamaḥ sarve vayamataḥ param
On the auspicious occasion of Krishna Ashtami, let me start with the name of Shri Krishna.
Here in this shloka, Lord Krishna who is one of the most excellent communicators who knows precisely what, when, and how to communicate with everyone, informed Arjuna the great warrior in Mahabharata when Arjuna was reluctant to fight against their relatives. Bhagwan Krishna said in the past there was no time where I didn’t exist, nor you and all these kings. In future also there will be no time where all these people will not exist, I will exist, You will exist and all these kings will also exist. And now in present we stand in the battlefield of Mahabharata.
In this verse we understand that we are individuals even when we break our cycle of birth and death. Even after we are liberated we stay as an individuals, and we serve the supreme Krishan, who is an eternally liberated individual with our love and devotion.
There are many philosophies spread across the world, and as per those philosophies, we often hear:
Once a soul gets liberated, it merges in the light, or brahaman; in other words, a river flows and goes to the ocean and merges with the ocean, and after that, the river loses its identity. Similarly, after liberation, a soul merges in the supersoul (atma merges with parmatma) and loses its "Individuality" however in this verse Krishna is taking about some we are individuals even when we break our cycle of birth and death. Now we will dive deep and understand one by one what Krishna actually means in this verse, so no other philosophies can mislead us.
Lets discuss few points that can arise in our mind to understand in better way:
- Individuality can only be in a conditioned state not in a liberated state.
Argument: Krishna says clearly herein that in future also the individuality of Lord and others will continue eternally.
- Individuality can only be material not spiritual.
Argument : Then how can one distinguish Krishna’s individuality? Krishna affirms his individuality in past and confirms his individuality in future as well. So if the supreme personality of Godhead Krishna (As per Bramha Samhita, Lord Krishna is Eashwar param krishna sachhidanand wigrah) is an Individual and completely spiritual then even all other entities who are spiritual are also individual.
- This particular plurality mentioned in the above verse is about body not Soul.
Argument : Krishna is not referring about the body because in the previous verse (Bhagwat Geeta Verse 11 of Chapter 2)
shri bhagavan uvachaashochyān-anvashochas-tvam prajna-vadansh cha bhashase
gatasun-agatasunsh-cha nanushochanti panditah
Bhagwan Sri Krishna said: Arjuna You speak about wisdom; however, you are lamenting for something that is not worthy at all of grief. A wise man should not lament for the leaving or dead because they know that body is mortal.
Krishna sufficiently condemned the concept of the body. So the doubt that Bhagwan Krishna in the verse is referring to body not Soul is null and void.
Lastly, to understand the true essence of the Bhagwat Gita, one has to be a devotee of Krishna. Because Krishna Himself said in Chapter 4 (bhakto sime sakha cheti), only my devotees can understand the glorious literature of "Bagwat Geta".
So chant magical Hare Krishna Maha Mantra and read the Bhagwat Geeta.
Hare Krishna ! Hare Krishna ! Krishna Krishna ! Hare Hare !
Hare Rama ! Hare Rama ! Rama Rama ! Hare Hare !
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